Frequenty Asked Questions

How do I place a trade on simul8or?
1. Enter a ticker (or use the default) and simulation date (for a full list, check the tickers page), or click any of the 'Trade' links and then click Start.
2. Enter the number of shares (or use the default).
3. Choose the action: Buy, Sell, Short, Cover, or Reverse, and click the action button to execute the trade.
What does the Balance and P/L display mean?
Balance: Shows your total virtual account balance, which updates with each trade.
P/L (Profit/Loss): Reflects your real-time profit or loss based on open positions. It updates with every live tick, showing how much you've gained or lost during the simulation.
What are the hotkey functions in simul8or?
F1: Buy
F2: Sell
F5: Short Sell
F6: Cover
How can I track my trading performance on simul8or?
In the Stats section, you can view:
- Total Profit/Loss
- Winning Trades
- Losing Trades
- Average Win/Loss
- Largest Winning/Losing Trade
- Most Traded Ticker
- Highest Volume Ticker
How do I set or change my alias?
Go to the Settings tab, enter a new alias in the User Alias field, and press Enter.
What visual settings can I customize?
You can toggle:
- Show Trades: Toggle trade markers on or off.
- Show Volume: Show/hide volume bars on the chart.
- Show 9 EMA: Display or hide the 9-period EMA.
- Show MACD: Toggle the MACD indicator.
- Trim Premarket False Prints: Filter out errant price movements before the market opens.
What is Full Tilt Mode?
Full Tilt Mode allows you to trade with the maximum share size available. Toggle it on or off in the Settings tab.
How do I clear my trades or export my trade log?
Clear Trades: You can reset your trade history by going to the Settings tab and clicking Clear Trades. This will wipe your local storage and reset your trading data to a new user state.
Export Trade Log: You can export your trade history by clicking the Export Logs button in the Settings tab. This will generate a file with all your trades for analysis.
What are the badges and achievements?
Achievements available on simul8or include:
- Rookie Trader: First profitable trade (Gold Star)
- Profit King: Achieve a total profit of $10,000 (Orange Trophy)
- Millionaire Club: Achieve a total profit of $1,000,000 (Blue Diamond)
- Active Trader: Complete 10 trades (Green Rocket)
- Power Trader: Complete 50 trades (Red Bolt)
- Marathon Trader: Be active for 10 consecutive days (Purple Calendar)
- Frequent Flyer: Trade every day for a week (Teal Plane)
- Sharp Shooter: Achieve a trade accuracy of 70% or higher over at least 10 trades (Silver Crosshairs)